How To Make Money Online

Making money online could be a feat. Sometimes, you can get confused on what to do, how to go about it and how to establish your online presence. But the truth is you are not alone. There are many individuals out there who want to start an online business but do not know how. I know this because I was once on that lane.

Here’s the Good News

Albeit the challenges, there are certain proven steps and techniques that you can apply to start earning money online and I will talk you through them on this article.

Step 1 – Identify your Skill

There are so many online working options out there and you may get confused if you do not know what you want. That is why the very first step to making money online is identifying your skill. Pick out what you are passionate about, and what you can do consistently. You need to do this because it will prevent you from struggling when you eventually open your business.

Additionally, with online transactions, your talent will determine what business or platform you can excel in. So, before we continue; what can you do well? You can identify this by making a list of your skill and then arranging them in your order of expertise. Once this is done, choose the one on top.

Step 2 – Surf the Internet for Options:

After identifying your skill, it is time to move on to the next step which I like to call feasibility studies. You need to surf the internet for the options that you have. You can do this by either:

  • Learning about sites where you can offer up your services for some money. Or
  • Alternatively, you can learn about how to start up your own working site. (Like a blog)

If you have been following up this write up, you will realize that the first step will determine what you will research on this second step.

Step 3 – Choose a Platform

This is the decision stage. After running your searches, you should choose a platform that best serves your skill and desire. While choosing one ensure to:

  • Pick a trusted site (run searches, both negative and positive ones on the workability of the site)
  • Choose a platform whose payment method is accessible
  • Ask questions and read about offering services on them.

I will not leave without recommending a few of these sites for you; and the great part is, you don’t even have to thank me for it!

  1. Esty: You will perform well on this site if you have crafty, hand, or art designing skills
  2. Fiverr: you can make money on this site if you have writing, website creation or designing, typing or voiceover skills and even web posting skills. With Fiverr, the options are enormous.
  3. Upwork: this is an alternative for Fiverr.
  4. Craigslist: this is a website where you can also get paid for writing articles.
  5. Wonder: this website is for the academicians who love to conduct researches for others, etc.

Step 4 – Get Started

Start up your gigs, deliver quality services and make some money or start up your blog and post until your site ranks well!

Step 5 – Get Coaching

Whatever path you take in making money online you can’t beat being coached by an expert who has proven techniques.   Why reinvent the wheel ?   These online training courses are well worth looking at:

Learn How To Make Money Online As An Affiliate

How To Earn 6 Figures With Kindle Publishing

Get Paid To Mess Around On Facebook and Twitter

What to Always Keep in Mind

Online business is like a real/physical business, so always focus on offering excellent value. Because how well you treat your clients will tell on your returns.

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